Medicare Part C plans are usually referred to as “Medicare Advantage” plans. All Medicare Advantage plans are run by private companies, and they all combine coverage for hospital stays with coverage for doctor visits. You can choose a plan that includes prescription drug coverage, often at no additional premium, or you can choose a plan without prescription drug coverage.
To help pay the costs that Parts A and B don’t cover, many people purchase Medicare supplement policies, or “Medigap” policies. These policies cover some or all of the expenses that Medicare Parts A and B do not cover. Ten standard plans are available, labeled “A” through “N.”
Medicare Part D helps pay for the prescription drugs you use. Medicare Part D coverage is not automatic. You decide whether to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan. If you delay signing up after you are eligible, though, you may pay a penalty on your premium, unless you qualify for an exception. Prescription drug coverage is an insurance policy you buy from private companies. You can buy a separate policy just for drugs, called a prescription drug plan (PDP). Or you can buy some types of Medicare Advantage plans that include drug coverage. The federal government has created guidelines for the types of drugs that must be covered by drug plans and set minimum standards of benefits. Insurance companies that offer Medicare Part D plans must meet these standards. But all plans are not the same. They vary by cost and by their formulary, or list of specific drugs covered.
Staying in a Long Term Care Facility or receiving care in the home can be very expensive. Long Term Care Insurance is designed to help offset the cost through an Insurance Company.
Dental Insurance policies can help take care of the unexpected expenses that may arise from a visit to the dentist. Trahin Insurance currently represents Medico and Spirit Dental.
Life insurance may secure the financial future for your family and ensures that your dependents will have the financial resources needed to maintain their lifestyle. It is important that you understand your needs and the choices available.
Life insurance can be used to accomplish a variety of financial goals, such as funding retirement or education expenses. However, it is important to remember that the main purpose of life insurance is financial protection for your family’s lifestyle.